Coming back to reality after summer holidays can be frustrating and stressful

Coming back to reality after summer holidays can be frustrating and stressful. If you feel pressured and demotivated BrainPatch is here to support you!

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2022 Neuromodulation and Neuroergonomics conference was arguably the best neurotech event

The 2022 Neuromodulation and Neuroergonomics conference was arguably the best neurotech event yet bringing together giants from both academia and industry.

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BrainPatch scientific team have presented the poster on using our ML pipeline for non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation

The BrainPatch scientific team with CEO Nickolai Vysokov, CSO Anna Tarasenko and science intern Maria Chigireva have presented the poster on using our Machine Learning pipeline for non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation

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