Safe burnout prevention and stress relief for businesses and employees

BrainPatch presents safe and effective neurotechnology that unlocks brain's hidden potential. Experience our non-invasive neurostimulation and achieve ultimate relaxation and harmony.


our products


Explore our products: Innovative Solutions for Enhanced Brain Function


e-Meditation Device

BrainPatch e-Meditation device for mental well-being

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VR experience

About the VR experience enhancement device

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Customer Testimonials

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about us

Who We Are

BrainPatch is a neurotech start-up founded in 2018 by two “Neuropreneurs” - Dr. Nickolai Vysokov and Dauren Toleukhanov - with a mission to make effective and safe neurostimulation available to everyone. The company was founded in the UK, attracted world-class talent and has grown across the EU into Ireland, with representatives in Poland and Germany.

We have developed and rigorously tested for safety and efficacy our neuro-technological platform comprising a patented Neuro headphone device and software infrastructure. The platform gives you access to various non-invasive brain stimulation applications. The sensations range from instantaneous stress relief and relaxation to productivity boost and meditation-like clear head effects at a push of a button. You can read more about how it works in the Science section.


TEDx Talk

Please see our About page for more information about the company and the team, please see our e-meditation page for more info and to pre-order our flagship product or our closed loop stimulation prototype if you are interested in joint research projects and grant applications.

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Our news

Stay Updated: Latest News and Insights

Brain Patch AI’s E-Meditation device launched by ‘neuropreneurs’ in Cambridge

Brain Patch AI has just closed a ‘pre-seed plus’ round which secured £250,000,with the company valued at $10.5million. The valuation reflects the potential of its intellectual property and of the E-meditation device, a headset which uses embedded neuro-technology to achieve a ‘meditation-like state of calmness and stress-relief within seconds, at a push of a button and anywhere in the world’.

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BRAIN PATCH was selected out of many startups as a Finalist for UK Techplanter World 2024

BRAIN PATCH was selected out of many British and other European countries' startups as a Finalist for UK Techplanter World 2024 Main Event taking place in London on 23rd of March.

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CEO Dr Nickolai Vysokov has made a live presentation in The Francis Crick Institute

CEO and Co-Founder of BrainPatch.AI Dr Nickolai Vysokov has made a live presentation and demonstration of BrainPatch Neurotech stress relief and e-meditation headphones on Friday, 2nd of February at Neurotech Spotlight networking event at The Francis Crick Institute in Central London

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